More than 36% of everyone living in New Jersey rents their home, which means they have a relationship with a landlord who owns and is obligated to maintain the property. There should be a balance between tenants and landlords. While the tenants are responsible for rent and other lease conditions, landlords have their responsibilities.
Our firm, Falk Flotteron & Davidson, has represented both landlords and tenants. That means we understand the obligations of both. If this relationship goes well, the tenant gets a safe and enjoyable place to live. And the landlord gets paid. But that doesn't always happen. Some landlords do not comply with their obligations to provide heat and a safe, comfortable environment, and some tenants have been known to destroy a dwelling or skip out on rent in the middle of night. Because we have worked with landlords and tenants for many years, we have the experience to resolve cases to benefit our clients.
Contact us to help you make the best case.